Definitions for the various user roles in Bank Shot's patented portal and mobile application.
One of the most important parts of understanding User Management for Bank Shot are the various roles and responsibilities.
Mobile vs. Portal (Web)
- Mobile Users
- Mobile users are strictly mobile application users. Mobile users can either be homebuyers or real estate agents, or anybody who is submitting a payment through the application.
- Mobile users will only have mobile application access.
- We advise Mobile Users to self sign up in the application. Account Admins can create Mobile Users in the Portal, but it is recommended to let the Mobile Users sign up themselves.
- Mobile Users can self delete in the mobile application but currently are unable to sign up for a different company if they've already registered before. They will need to contact Bank Shot Support to update their company access.
- Portal Users
- Portal Users are always web users and sometimes mobile application users. Portal Users are company employees with the same level of access that all portal users had in the Old Portal, before we added Account Admins.
- Portal Users can manage and deposit incoming payments, download reports, and be set as billing contacts.
- Portal Users cannot add or deactivate users.
- Portal Users can become Disbursement Creators, if given privileges by the Account Admins.
- Create disbursements.
User Roles and Permissions
- Receivables Requester
- Access Level: Basic
- Permissions:
- Can request receivables.
- Cannot manage disbursements or view/edit company details.
- Limited to viewing basic portal information.
- Portal User
- Access Level: Standard
- Permissions:
- Can log in to the portal and request receivables.
- Can create disbursements but not manage or approve them.
- Cannot view or manage company details or user permissions.
- Account Admin
- Access Level: Administrative
- Permissions:
- Account Admins are the highest level of company users.
- Can manage both receivables and disbursements.
- Has permissions to view and manage billing details and update company information.
- Can view users but has limited ability to create or update them.
- Account admins have all of the same privileges as Portal Users and Mobile Users, in addition to being able to add and deactivate users.
- Account Admins can also be Disbursement Managers (if your company is using our Disbursement feature).
Key Access Points and Functionalities
- Receivables Approver: User can deposit and submit items
- Receivables Manager: User has approver permissions + can grant receivables approver to other users
- Disbursement Manager: Permissions for sending and approving disbursements to vendors. Can also onboard bank accounts and assign disbursement creator privileges to other users
- Company Information Access:
- Admin-level users and above can edit company details, including legal name, phone number, and incorporation date.
- Certain fields, such as the company name, are viewable by standard users but editable only by administrators.
Additional Notes- Permissions Customization: If your organization requires specific customizations in user access, please let us know. We’re able to tailor access permissions to suit particular workflow needs.
- Receivables Requester
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